HMB265H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: William Bateson, Antirrhinum, Mendelian Inheritance

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Hmb265 lecture 5 extension of mendelian genetics part 1. It was published in an obscured journal: scientists at the time would look at mainstream articles. The paper was too statistical and mathematical for the audience at the time. Many complained that the results could only be applied to peas and could not be generalized to other organisms. Not everything fits with mendel"s 3:1 ratio. Two camps arose from the publishing of the paper: exceptions to mendel"s rules show that they are not general. Variation from the results mendel obtained can be explained through various theories include blending inheritance: the other half tried to explain exceptions in mendelian terms of segregation and independent assortment, e. g. William bateson was a strong mendelian supporter: he coined the terms, heterozygous, homozygous, allele. E. g. incomplete dominance in antirrhinum: crosses of pure-breeding red with pure-breeding white flowers resulted in all pink.

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