POL200Y1 Lecture Notes - Moral Character, Dice, Thrasymachus

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6 Dec 2012

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Professor orwin: thrasymachus is the character that is most identified for him. Adeimantus speech taken together, his favorite part of the book. Considerably from the cradle to the grave, justice says no, no, no; a just person, who has justice internalized in himself/herself pretty much says no to everything. Most just is the one who would sacrifice the most. In principal, everything else it cherishes would on the practice of justice; giving up what is good for us to accommodate the good for others. Why should i submit to so much hassle?) Two possible answers (defenses) to come across the question of the justice: the answer that glaucon wants to hear from socrates. It is that justice is so gravely good that indeed the greatest most resplendid of human goods. It is the great good for oneself that is worth the sacrifices to all the others of it (justice is hard, heroic, but it is worthwhile)

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