
A-Which of the following is NOT one of the steps required toclone a piece of DNA using a plasmid vector?
1. Cut a vector and a DNA insert with aspecific restriction enzyme to create complementary "stickyends."
2. Isolate DNA fragments by gelelectrophoresis.
3. Ligate insert DNA and a vector withsimilar sticky ends together.
4. Transform ligated pieces of DNA into E.coli.
5. Select the plasmid vector that hasreplaced its origin of replication with insert DNA.

B-A representative genomic library of anorganism's DNA fragments results from the use of
1. DNA ligase joining multiple types ofvectors.
2. partial digestion with frequentlycutting restriction endonucleases.
3. many pieces of recombinant DNA fromseveral different types of organisms.
4. viruses that cleave the DNA into randompieces.

C-One of the most usefulmethods for identifying a specific DNA sequence is
1. the Southern blot.
2. the Western blot.
3. magnetic resonance imaging.
4. the Eastern blot.
5. thin-layerchromatography.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019
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