
Recombinant DNA Technology

The questions all relate to the same topic and somewhat interrelate

1. Plasmids used in vitro to clone foreign DNA fragments are called ___

A. Transgenic.

B. Clones.

C. Vectors.

D. Conjugants.

2. VNTR alleles are hypervariable regions of human DNA that differ from each other in:

A. Location of internal sites recognized by restriction enzymes.

B. Variable number of point mutations.

C. Number of copies of an internally repeated DNA sequence.

D. Variable location on different chromosomes.

3. Probability calculations are used in forensic applications of DNA fingerprinting to determine if:

A. DNA from two different sources has matching alleles.

B. DNA samples were degraded before analysis.

C. A match between alleles of different DNA samples might have occurred by chance.

D. An unknown DNA sample is from a male or a female.

4. Plasmid vectors used in cloning often contain a gene for the N-terminal 146 amino acids of the enzyme β-galactosidase. What is the purpose of including this gene in the vector?

A. It allows selection of E. coli host cells that contain the plasmid.

B. It allows selection of E. coli host cells that contain plasmid in which the insert has been ligated.

C. It cleaves the insert to allow it to be ligated into the vector.

D. It enables the plasmid vector to replicate in E. coli host cells.

5.The first gene therapy clinical trial took place in 1990, on patients with SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome). Is this true or false?

A. True

B. False

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019
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