
5. Fats A. Chemical digestion of lipids occurs primarily in the small intestine. Before enzymes can break down fats like triglycerides (the most common type of fat in our foods), they must undergo emulsification. Describe the process of emulsification. Name the substance which performs this job. Name the organ that synthesizes this substance. Name the organ which stores and concentrates this substance. How does this substance get into the duodenum of the small intestine? B. After fats are emulsified, they are chemically digested. What is the general name for enzymes which digest fats? Name all of the organs which synthesize and secrete this enzyme into the digestive tract. C. Cholesterol is a type of fat. Why is it important to have some cholesterol in our diets? Why is it important not to have too much cholesterol in our diets?

6. Waste Production A. The large intestine AKA colon is the digestive organ which produces feces. Starting with the cecum and ending with the anus, name ALL parts of the large intestine in order. B. How does the large intestine convert liquid waste from the small intestine into solid waste to be eliminated from the body? C. Name 5 components of fecal matter. NOTE that the small intestine absorbs ALL of the digestible carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in our diets; thus, these nutrients must NOT be in your list.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019
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