
Write a C++ program that will prompt the user for quantity of items bought and the unit price and print the Invoice. The program should be such that:
a. The user can enter a tax percent.
b. A 5% discount is deducted before the vat calculation if the customer is buy items worth
GHc 500.
c. A 10% discount is deducted before the vat calculation if the customer is buy items worth
GHc 1000.
d. A 15% discount is deducted before the vat calculation if the customer is buy items worth
GHc 1500.
e. The quantity of items is printed.
f. The unit price is printed.
g. The price with tax excluded is printed.
h. The total amount payable by the customer is printed.
i. The vat amount is printed.
j. The discount amount is printed.

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