25 May 2018

Economics has its roots as far back as the Hammurabi code, but the following are considered some of the most influential theorists.

Adam Smith
John Stuart Mill
Robert Malthus
Karl Marx
John Maynard Keynes

Pick one of the above (or find another historical economist)to investigate. Report to the discussion a topic of interest that you see that the theories (writings of these famous economists) still are followed or have application in today's world. If the economist you are interested in has already been discussed, relate the economist's work to another issue or from a different perspective.

I give you the following as an sample post by a previous student


I see Malthus' report about the dangers of over population in today's economic debate when various groups discuss the over population of the planet and the need for limit the birth rate. Malthus seemed to have a elitist view of the lower classes: their inability to be educated and to control themselves. He also was one of the economist that had a doom and gloom version of the inevitable way things would turn out - pestilence, war, hunger and disease. Maybe he was originally the dismal science guy.

Coleman, D. (2009). Reading 1 and 2
Rose, M. (2002) http://econlib.com/library/Columns/Teachers/critiquemalthus.html

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
26 May 2018
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