
Select 1 of the question groups below and will need to answer the 3 questions in each group.

minimum of 4 sentences long.

Group A: Second Face of Power

  1. What are the major characteristics of the second face of power? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  2. What is a contemporary news event that is an example of the use of the second face of power? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  3. Is the second face of power the most effective of the three faces of power? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points

Group B: Third Face of Power

  1. What are the major characteristics of the third face of power? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  2. What is a contemporary news event that is an example of the use of the third face of power? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  3. Is the third face of power the most effective of the three faces of power? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points

Group C: Liberalism

  1. What is the liberal conception equality? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  2. What is a contemporary news event that is an example or illustrates the liberal conception of equality? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  3. Is the liberal conception of equality enough to ensure the real/actual equality of all citizens (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points

Group D: Socialism

  1. What is the socialist conception equality? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  2. What is a contemporary news event that is an example or illustrates the socialist conception of equality? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  3. Is the socialist conception of equality superior to the liberal one? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points

Group E: Conservatism

  1. What attitude do conservatives hold towards equality? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  2. What is a contemporary news event that is an example or illustrates the conservative attitude towards equality? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  3. Is the conservative attitude towards equality relevant for understanding today’s society? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points

Group F: Gender Theory

  1. According to gender theory, what role does the division between the public and private play with regard to the equality of the genders? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  2. What is a contemporary news event that is an example or illustrates the role that the division of the public and private spheres plays with regard to gender equality or inequality? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points
  3. Is there full equality today between the genders in the public and private spheres? (minimum 4 sentences) / 5 points 


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