12 Nov 2019

1) Which characteristic is not possessed by all Chordates at some time during their life?

a) notochord

b) pharyngeal slits

c) post-anal tail

d) dorsal hollow nerve cord

e) vertebral column

2) Sponges, adults and larvae, do not ____________________________.

a) eat other organisms for food

b) move by their own processes

c) have multicellularity with tissues and organs

3) ____________________ are the radial symmetric, Eumetazoa?

a) Chordates b) Mollusks c) Arthropods d) Cnidaria e) Flatworms

4) Divergence of the bilateral animals was about 630 million years ago and one difference defining this split is ‘digestive system development’ with __________________ having their mouth develop first and their anus last. a) Protostomes b) Deuterostomes

5) Tunicates and Lancelets are _________________ although they are not among the best known types of this well known animal subgroup.

a) Chordates b) Mollusks c) Arthropods d) Cnidaria e) Flatworms

6) The spinal cord and brain of Vertebrates evolved from the _____________________ of ancestral Vertebrates and Chordates

a) notochord

b) pharyngeal slits

c) post-anal tail

d) dorsal hollow nerve cord

e) vertebral column

7) Which subgroup of Animals is a Deuterostome?

a) Arthropods b) Roundworms c) both a & b d) Echinoderms e) Annelids

8) Which subgroup of Animals has growth with molting (ecdysis)? Ecdysis is to shed an external protective layer of chitin as body size increases.

a) Arthropods b) Roundworms c) both a & b d) Echinoderms e) Annelids

9) The distinction of Animals as ‘vertebrates’ and ‘invertebrates’ continues to be of great convenience; however, ________________ the only subgroup with ‘vertebrates’ also has ‘invertebrates’. a) Arthropods b) Echinoderms c) Chordates

10) Which characteristic is not possessed by all Chordates at some time during their life?

a) notochord

b) pharyngeal slits

c) post-anal tail

d) dorsal hollow nerve cord

e) vertebral column

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
23 Aug 2019
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