23 Nov 2019

Why are deaminating agents such as sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite a component of processed foods given that they are mutagenic?

Select one:

a. They are added because they taste good.

b. They are a natural by-product of food processing and it's too costly to remove them.

c. They are added as preservatives; they kill microbes by inducing mutations in their DNA.

d. They are inexpensive and added to act as fillers; reducing the cost of production of processed foods.

e. All of the above.

Q 2.

The loss of a cell's ability to repair DNA is a hallmark of which human disease?

Select one:

a. Multiple sclerosis

b. HIV

c. Cancer

d. Heart disease

e. Rheumatoid arthritis


It has been estimated that about 85% of cancers that develop are environmentally induced (the remaining are inherited to some degree). Which of the following represents an environmental risk factor that could induce cancer?

Select one:

a. The oxidative damage to DNA caused by radiation (X-rays, gamma rays, radon gas)

b. Spontaneous deaminations and depurinations of the bases in DNA

c. The error rate of DNA polymerase

d. a, b, and c

e. a and b

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
25 Jun 2019
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