MGHD27H3 Study Guide - Machinist, Social Influence, Reinforcement
Document Summary
Chapter 2 personality and learning (pages 48-70) Employees frequently learn new skills and technologies to continually improve performance and to keep organizations competitive. Operant learning theory: operant learning: learning by which the subject learns to operate on the environment to achieve certain consequences. B. f. skinner (rats (cid:222) pressed lever (cid:222) in order to achieve food). food pellet was released (cid:222) rats gradually learned to operate the lever accidentally: operantly learned behaviour is controlled by the consequences that follow it. I ncreasing the probability of behaviour: reinforcement: the process by which stimuli strengthen behaviours, reinforcer (cid:222) a stimulus that follows some behaviour and increases or maintains the probability of that behaviour. Appearance is contingent or dependent on the occurrence of the behaviour. However, the intrinsic character of stimuli does not determine whether they are positive reinforcers, and pleasant stimuli are not positive reinforces when considered in the abstract.