HUMA 2680 : Age of Reason

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27 Mar 2011

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He said all kids start as a blank slate blank slate : tabula rasa. Puritans say their mind is full of sin and locke says their mind is clean. Experience is what expresses or changes the mind, by touch, feel, smell, taste. He says it"s up to the adult to tutor the children, to show them the good from the evil. He says in order to lead the child one way or the other, they need to develop reason; cannot talk down to the child. They should be given something easy and pleasant to read. Talk at their level, positive reinforcement (bribing) but nothing that could create an imagination. 1740"s, decade in which english children"s novel and children"s book got underway. Newberry, came out during the era of reasoning. The idea of, if you"re a good child you"ll be rewarded and if you"re bad you"ll be punished. Tells the consequences for being bad and the reward for being good.

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