ANTA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Steven Pinker, Azawagh Arabs, Sander Gilman

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Sahara desert: live abut for one million moors, the ideal female beauty has for centuries been to be as fat as possible. It is the look admired by men and women alike, and is considered sexually desirable. In azawagh arab, should look as little like men as possible--round and fleshy. Significance of outer appearance is anything but superficial. Etcoff 1999: 23)- cited from (popenoe 2004: 3) o universal ideals of beauty seem to include symmetry, smooth skin, youthfulness. Fatness and fattening cross-culturally o among jamaicans, elaine sobo (1993: 32) found that fatness is a positive trait, connoting. Modern western readings of fatness as indicative of laziness, lack of self-control, ill- health, low status, and unattractiveness. In addition to its associations with female readiness for marriage or the achievement of a successful marriage, fatness has another set of associations around the globe that are ungendered: associations with royalty, power, and elite status.

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