HLTB21H3 Chapter : Measles
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Origin is unknown, rhazes (900ad)(cid:0) thought they came from same cause. Prevailing theory: red rash represented the mother"s menstrual blood that accumulates in womb. Disease was welcomed for children to rid of the so-called poison . Fever and the 3 cs (coryza, cough, conjunctivitis) Droplets and direct contact (from 4 days before until 4 days after rash appears) Highly contagious, human are only host, dependent on a human reservoir. Infants protected if mother had measles during pregnancy. Genus: paramyxovirus(cid:0) group of viruses contain rna, infects respiratory epithelium. Fist to clearly separate measles from small pox. Demonstrated the infective nature of measles, can be transmission by blood. Geographic location ideal for epidemiological study: isolated islands www. notesolution. com. 1963 enders: able to grow virus and produce effective vaccine. 1969: discovery of relationship of measles and rare degenerative disease in nervous system of children called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Prodrome stage (day 0): fever, 3c"s, photophobia, symptoms increase in severity.
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