MGHD27H3 Chapter 3: Textbook Notes - Chapter 3
Document Summary
,3,/,!489843041,3,/,8945 025407883. 09,8,diverse workforce and encourages the recruitment of 4 designated groups: women, members of visible minorities, Perception is the process of interpreting the messages of our sense to provide order and meaning to the environment. Perception interprets/helps sort out and organize the complex and varied input received by our senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. People often base actions on the interpretation of reality that their perceptual system provides rather than on reality itself (e. g. what you think of the situation) Perception has three components: perceiver, target being perceived, and situation. Each of the component influences the perceivers impression or interpretation of the target. Experience is the most important since past experiences lead the perceiver to develop expectations, and these expectations affect current perceptions: caucasian men are less likely to perceive race or gender barriers to promotion. Our motivational state can unconsciously influence our perceptions by causing us to perceive what we wish to perceive: !0450/057;0/41144/2,80024700/-09383,2-:4:85. 9:708.