MGHB02H3 Lecture : Chapter 8 Notes
Document Summary
Social influence dependence on others in the organization sets the stage for influence. Information dependence: reliance on others for information about how to think, feel and act, new employees often compare their own thoughts, feelings and actions with others to check their accuracy (am i thinking/feeling/acting the right way?) Group rewards and punishments include: praise, friendship, helping hand, inclusion (rewards, nagging, harassment, name calling, social isolation (punishments) Compliance punishments: conformity with social norms driven by the desire to acquire rewards or avoid, member does not really subscribe to the norms (eg. prisoner) Identification: conform because they find other supporters of the norm attractive and they identify with these supporters, may lead to imitation (dress like boss) Compliance may lead to dissonance and may arouse tensions. To resolve these tensions, members may: cease conformity or quit the organization, gradually adopt the beliefs, values and attitudes that support the norms.