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Nicholas Snow
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Self J
Snow N

Verified Documents for Nicholas Snow

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Opportunity Cost, Fallacy
The allocation of scarce resources among competing ends. Trial by ordeal and incentives: good institutions. I. e. the rules of the game channels behavi
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Price System, Opportunity Cost, Deadweight Loss
Means of production are centrally owned and controlled. Without private property- means of production are centrally owned which eliminates private prop
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Opportunity Cost, Fallacy
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Opportunity Cost
Trade (cid:510)akes people (cid:456)etter o(cid:479)(cid:479) (cid:923)he(cid:511) pre(cid:479)ere(cid:511)(cid:457)es are di(cid:479)(cid:479)ere(cid:
ECON-E 201 Lecture 8: Microeconomics: Elasticity of Demand
Esti(cid:510)ati(cid:511)(cid:480) elasti(cid:457)it(cid:929) is the (cid:479)i(cid:534)st step i(cid:511) (cid:533)ua(cid:511)ti(cid:479)(cid:929)i(ci
ECON-E 201 Lecture 10: ECON-E 201: Elasticity of Supply and The Price System
ECON-E 201 Lecture 10: ECON201 Lecture 5-Elasticity of Supply and The Price System
ECON-E 201 Lecture 10: Micro Notes 9%2F20%2F18
Measu(cid:534)e ho(cid:923) (cid:534)espo(cid:511)si(cid:922)e the (cid:533)ua(cid:511)tit(cid:929) supplied is to a (cid:457)ha(cid:511)(cid:480)e i(c
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Price Controls, Price System, War Communism
Econ-e201 lecture 11 the price system (continued) and price controls. Socialism: government ownership and control of the distribution of goods. So, how
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Price System, Economic Equilibrium
Su(cid:456)sta(cid:511)tial a(cid:510)ou(cid:511)t o(cid:479) i(cid:511)(cid:479)o is (cid:511)e(cid:457)essa(cid:534)(cid:929) to opti(cid:510)all(cid
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Price Controls, War Communism, Price System
Econ201 lecture 11 socialism vs. capitalism/price controls. Socialism: means of production are centrally controlled, creates incentives problems, more
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Price Ceiling, Economic Surplus, Economic Equilibrium
Econ201 lecture 12 rent control/price ceilings and price floors. Shortages: caused by price ceiling being below market price, qd > qs, shortage = diffe
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Price Ceiling, Price Controls, Opportunity Cost
Price ceiling: occurs when there is a maximum price limit set by the government. Graph (unbinding price control if market price is and price ceiling i
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Economic Equilibrium, Price Ceiling, Key Money
La(cid:923)s (cid:510)aki(cid:511)(cid:480) it ille(cid:480)al (cid:479)o(cid:534) p(cid:534)i(cid:457)es to (cid:510)o(cid:922)e a(cid:456)o(cid:922)e
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Price Floor, Taxation In Iran, Deadweight Loss
Surpluses: minimum wage is a price floor, minimum wage above market price creates a surplus of workers, quantity of labor supplied exceeds quantity dem
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Price Floor, Deadweight Loss, Whois
Price floors : a (cid:510)i(cid:511)i(cid:510)u(cid:510) p(cid:534)i(cid:457)e allo(cid:923)ed (cid:456)(cid:929) la(cid:923) (cid:2226). A(cid:511) e(
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Pigovian Tax, Coase Theorem, Economic Surplus
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Ad Valorem Tax, Demand Curve, Opportunity Cost
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Deadweight Loss, Tax Wedge
A ta(cid:928) le(cid:922)eled o(cid:511) the pu(cid:534)(cid:457)hase o(cid:479) a pa(cid:534)ti(cid:457)ula(cid:534) (cid:457)o(cid:510)(cid:510)odit(
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Mick Jagger, Leaky Bucket, Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act
The government can: tax sellers for the units they sell, tax buyers for the units they buy. But in reality, the tax will have the same effects whether
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Coase Theorem, Externality, Demand Curve
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Economic Surplus, Behavioral Economics, Economic Equilibrium
Theme of today: although they are great, markets have drawbacks. Market failure: inequalities, monopolies, large companies taking over industries, exte
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Private Good, Overgrazing, Overfishing
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Externality, Deadweight Loss, Pigovian Tax
Externalities: e(cid:928)te(cid:534)(cid:511)al (cid:457)osts o(cid:534) (cid:456)e(cid:511)e(cid:479)its that (cid:479)all o(cid:511) (cid:456)(cid:92
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Budget Constraint, Indifference Curve
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Pigovian Tax, Deadweight Loss, Externality
Ma(cid:534)(cid:480)i(cid:511)al so(cid:457)ial cost = ma(cid:534)(cid:480)i(cid:511)al p(cid:534)i(cid:922)ate cost + ma(cid:534)(cid:480)i(cid:511)al
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Externality, Social Cost, Influenza Vaccine
Externalities: are spillover costs or benefits that fall on other members of a society as a result of the decisions of individuals. Individuals do not
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Overgrazing, Excludability, Externality
Si(cid:511)(cid:457)e private goods are e(cid:928)(cid:457)luda(cid:456)le, there is a(cid:511) i(cid:511)(cid:457)e(cid:511)ti(cid:922)e to pa(cid:929
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Common-Pool Resource, Spotify, Externality
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Marginal Utility, Jeremy Bentham, Budget Constraint
We have been assuming that consumers have been following rational choice theory. These constraints could be our income, salary. We have many options to
ECON-E 201 Lecture 19: 1721 - Lecture 19 - Consumer Choice
Co(cid:511)su(cid:510)e(cid:534)s ha(cid:922)e to (cid:457)o(cid:510)pa(cid:534)e (cid:510)a(cid:511)(cid:929) (cid:480)oods i(cid:479) the(cid:929) a(
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Budget Constraint
The opti(cid:510)al (cid:457)o(cid:511)su(cid:510)ptio(cid:511) (cid:456)u(cid:511)dle is o(cid:511) the hi(cid:480)hest i(cid:511)di(cid:479)(cid:479)
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Perfect Competition, Imperfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition
We (cid:923)ill see (cid:923)hat happe(cid:511)s late(cid:534) (cid:923)he(cid:511) (cid:923)e (cid:534)ela(cid:928) so(cid:510)e (cid:2486)o(cid:534)
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Imperfect Competition, Takers, Fixed Cost
This is t(cid:534)ue i(cid:511) a(cid:511)(cid:929) i(cid:511)sta(cid:511)(cid:457)e, (cid:923)hethe(cid:534) u(cid:511)de(cid:534) pe(cid:534)(cid:479
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Market Power, Demand Curve, Silicon Valley
Fi(cid:534)(cid:510)s seek p(cid:534)o(cid:479)its, so i(cid:511) the lo(cid:511)(cid:480) (cid:534)u(cid:511): Fi(cid:534)(cid:510)s (cid:923)ill e(ci
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Monopoly Profit, Allocative Efficiency, Economic Surplus
Mr (cid:456)e(cid:480)i(cid:511)s at sa(cid:510)e poi(cid:511)t o(cid:511) the (cid:922)erti(cid:457)al a(cid:928)is as de(cid:510)a(cid:511)d. But, th
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Joe S. Bain
Most alle(cid:480)ed e(cid:928)a(cid:510)ples o(cid:479) (cid:2486)(cid:511)o(cid:511)-le(cid:480)al(cid:2487) (cid:2522)ba(cid:534)(cid:534)ie(cid:534
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Monopolistic Competition, Market Power, Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences
A market with a large number of firms selling similar but not identical products. Monopolistic competition combines some features of competitive market
ECON-E 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Whya, Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences
One reason advertising increases sales is because it informs consumers about price, quality and availability. There is evidence that advertising lowers