21 Jun 2019

Differential centrifugation separates cell components according to


Sedimentation rate



Density gradient centrifugation separates cell components according to


Sedimentation rate



If you are presented with a graph with many fractions on the x-axis, or a western blot where the lanes were from many fractions, what method was used?

Affinity purification

Western blot

Density gradient centrifugation

Differential centrifugation

What is the principle behind denaturing protein gel electrophoresis?

Proteins are separated according to type of amino acid R groups

Proteins are separated according to charge

Proteins are separated according to size

In denaturing gel electrophoresis, proteins that run farther down the gel are:

Smaller than those at the top of the gel

Larger than those at the top of the gel

What is a western/immunoblot?

All proteins are stained with a general protein stain

Specific proteins are identified by antibodies

Specific proteins are purified and detected by a general protein stain

What is the principle behind affinity purification?

Specific molecules are removed from solution by a high affinity interaction on a solid support

Specific molecules have an exclusive sedimentation rate that be exploited with differential centrifugation

Specific molecules have an exclusive size that can be exploited with SDS-PAGE

Which of the following is quantification of variance in an experiment?


Error bars


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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
24 Jun 2019
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