

Peter and Rosemary Grant’s research on Darwin’s finches demonstrated that dry years on the Galapagos Island Daphne Major favored deep beaks in the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) and that very wet years favored narrow beaks. In years that were neither wet nor dry (intermediate years), many different types of foods were available, and birds with intermediate beak sizes were favored. Immediately following an intermediate year, average beak size in G. fortis is expected to be

A) narrower than after a wet year and wider than after a dry year.

B) wider than after a wet year and narrower than after a dry year.

C) the same as after a wet year and wider than after a dry year.

D) the same as after a dry year and narrower than after a wet year.


Select the evidence that would support the hypothesis that peppered moths and industrial melanism are an example of evolution by natural selection. Check all that apply.

A) Different color morphs exist naturally in the peppered moth population.

B) The genetic basis of melanism in peppered moths is unknown.

C) Dark moths are recaptured more in polluted areas than light moths.

D) Birds looking for food often miss moths that are the same color as the moth’s background.


Check all of the statements that are supported by studies of artificial selection.

A) Artificial selection shows that evolutionary change can occur over a short time.

B) Artificial selection shows that natural selection is capable of producing major evolutionary change.

C) Artificial selection occurs when humans selectively breed individuals of a species with desirable traits.

D) Artificial selection results only in minor changes within a species.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019
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