
Can anyone help me with the following questions, it is due tonight and im having a hard time figuring most of these out and in-between a couple of answers. Thanks!

1. Which of the following is the PRIMARY goal of risk assessment?

A. maximize profit

B. balance risks and benefits

C. reduce liability

D. determine lethal doses

2. The probability of an adverse outcome based on the exposure and potency of a hazardous agent is known as the:

A. toxicity

B. risk

C. hazard

D. margin of safety

E. therapeutic index

3. Risk Assessment includes all the following, except:

A. risk characterization

B. exposure assessment

C. dose-response assessment

D. hazard identification

E. cost-benefit analysis

4. The process of making risk information understood by local officials, community groups and other stakeholders is known as:

A. risk management

B. risk characterization

C. risk communication

D. risk perception

E. risk estimation

5. The Hazard Identification step in the risk assessment paradigm may include which of the following:

A. in vitro testing

B. structure-activity relationships

C. animal bioassays

D. epidemiologic data

E. all of the above

6. A basic premise of carcinogen risk assessment is that:

A. surface area is proportional to body weight

B. chemicals that cause tumors in animals will cause tumors in humans

C. all dosing regimens are equivalent

D. all animal strains are relevant

7. The Point of Departure (POD) for a low-dose extrapolation could be which of the following:




D. none of the above

E. all of the above

8. The benchmark dose (BMD) approach is preferred over the NOAEL/LOAEL approach for all the following reasons, except:

A. the full dose-response curve is considered

B. it includes a measure of variability

C. the same benchmark response be used across studies

D. it results in lower reference values

9. A biochemical change, functional impairment, or pathologic lesion affecting an organism’s performance, and reducing its ability to respond to environmental challenges is known in risk assessment as the

A. point of departure

B. benchmark dose

C. adverse effect

D. carcinogenic effect

10. When there is a cancer risk of 1 in 10,000, this is considered to be of

A. high concern

B. moderate concern

C. somewhat low concern

D. no concern at all

11. Which toxicant is commonly found in indoor air due to off-gassing of plywood and furniture?

A. arsenic

B. lead

C. methylene chloride

D. dioxin

E. formaldehyde

12. Which if the following was NOT an event in the United States that triggered widespread awareness of environmental issues in the 1960s?

A. Relocation of families from Love Canal in Niagara Falls, NY

B. Cuyahoga River catching on fire in Ohio

C. Publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

D. Nationwide federal ban of smoking cigarettes in bars and restaurants

13. The study of the fate and effects of chemicals in the environment is the definition of: A. Environmental toxicology

B. Ecotoxicology

C. Environmental health toxicology

D. Risk assessment

14. An example of an area source of air emissions would be:

A. A volcano

B. A moving car

C. A gas station

D. A power plant

15. Which of the following is considered to be “good up high and bad nearby”?

A. Ozone

B. Carbon monoxide

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Sulfur dioxide

16. Which of the following water disinfectants is safest from the perspective of not producing any known DBPs?

A. Chlorine

B. Chloramine

C. Ozone


17. The most significant anthropogenic source of carbon monoxide would be classified as a:

A. Point source

B. Area source

C. Mobile source

D. Natural source

18. According to Genius (2006), what do some scientists believe is the most frequent cause of childhood cancer and leukemia?

A. Pharmaceuticals in drinking water

B. Exposure to diuretics in utero

C. Prenatal exposure to carbon monoxide and other industry emissions

D. Neonatal exposure to polyvinylchloride (PVC) plastic

19. In the Genius (2006) article, what did the scientists who published in the journal Science discover about the possible transgenerational impact of exposure to environmental toxicants in pregnancy?

A. Epigenetic mechanisms may permanently alter the germ-line and genetic traits of offspring of an exposed individual

B. Epigenetic changes die out after three successive generations of offspring

C. Epigenetic changes only occur when a toxicant is an endocrine disruptor

D. Epigenetic changes never take place when the toxicant is a pesticide or fungicide

20. According to the article by Chemnick and Climatewire (2013), “Soggy Vancouver Island in British Columbia has become an unlikely new home for Cryptococcus gattii, a tropical and subtropical yeast-based fungus.” What health effect does this yeast-based fungus have on humans when it is inhaled?

A. None

B. Triggers asthma attacks

C. Causes a kind of meningitis

D. Eventually leads to lung cancer

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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