PSYB45H3 Chapter 8: Behaviour Modficiation - Chapter 8 Book Notes

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Respondent behaviours are controlled by antecedent stimuli, and respondent conditioning involves the manipulation of antecedent stimuli. Respondent conditioning is also called classical conditioning or pavlovian conditioning. Pavlov presented the sound of the metronome and the meat powder together many times. After this, he presented the sound of the metronome by itself. The dog now salivated to the sound of the metronome without the meant powder in its mouth. The sound become a cs because it was paired a number of times with the meant powder. Timing of the neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus. The us should occur immediately after the onset of the ns www. notesolution. com. Trace and delay conditioning are the most effective, while backward conditioning is the least effective. Trace conditioning: the ns precedes the us, but the ns ends before the us is presented. Example you present the clicking sound and, after the clicking sound has stopped, you present the puff of air.