PSY100H1 Midterm: Midterm- Textbook Chapter 2 Notes You dont need to read textbook! Just read this! I took this course on 2010. Guaranteed A in this midterm. Ch.2) Reseach Methodology

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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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People who are intoxicated will show less motor coordination than people who have not drunk alcohol. Plan an experiment in which you give alcohol to one group and no alcohol to a control group. Give people alcohol and measure motor coordination and balance. Use statistical techniques to assess whether the results are genuine or probably due to chance. Report on the findings in a research journal or at a conference. Four basic goals: what/ when/ what causes/ why. Prediction (when): asks when the behaviour occurs. Causal control (what causes): involves systematically varying the situation to produce a change in behaviours or mental state. (cause and effect) Scientific inquiry is the study of empirical questions-questions that can be answered by observing and measuring the world around us. Empirical questions can be answered by objective means, not by how scientists think about the question. Replication: repetition of an experiment to confirm the result. The empirical process depends on theories, hypotheses, and research.