MGHB02H3 Chapter 4: Chapter_4
Document Summary
Va l ues ac ross c u l t u res differences: opportunities for globally adept org, work centrality. extent to which people perceived work as a central life interest differs. those w/ more central life interest tended to work more hrs. variation in vacation time across cultures: hofstede"s study. 4 dimensions along which work-related values differed across cultures: power distance: the extent to which society members accept an unequal distri of power, small power distance cultures inequality is minimized, superiors are accessible, power difference down played. & security: weak ua culture less concerned w/ rules, regulations, conformity, security. Long term orientation differences stress persistence, perseverance, thrift, status: short term orientation stress personal steadiness, stability & social niceties, canada & us short-term oriented. Long term orientation explains east asian entrepreneurship: relationships b/w power distance & individualism o o. Individualism downplay power differences collectivism accentuate power differences.