MGHB02H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Notes

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10 Oct 2011

Document Summary

Lecture notes: chapter three, perception, attribution and judgment. Perception process of interpreting messages of our senses to provide order and meaning to the environment. Sort out and organize and try to make sense of complex and varied input of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing or perhaps even our sixth sense . Components of perception: perceptions: a perceiver whose experience, knowledge, skills, needs and emotions can influence, the target that is being perceived may be ambiguous or open to interpretation, the situation or context. Perceptual defence perceptual system defends us against unpleasant emotions so we see what we want to see . People tend to identify themselves in terms of social categories eg. student, canadian. People form perceptions of themselves based on their characteristics and memberships in social categories. Personal identity based upon unique personal characteristics such as interests, abilities and traits. Social identity based upon our perception that we belong to various social groups nationality, religion, occupation.

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