MGHB02H3 Chapter 12: Chapter 12
Document Summary
Power: the capacity to influence others who are in a state of dependence. ---the target of power is dependent on the powerholder does not imply that a poor relationship exists between the two. ---power can flow in any direction in an organization. (high level to low level, or even reverse) ---power is a broad concept that applies to both individuals and groups: the bases of individual power: legitimate power: power derived from a person"s position or job in an organization. ---it constitutes the organization"s judgment about who is formally permitted to influence whom, and it is called authority. (organization"s hierarchy) ---legitimate power works because people have been socialized to accept the readiness to submit to legitimate power. reward power: power derived from the ability to provide positive outcomes and prevent negative outcomes. ---managers are given the chance to recommend raises, do performance evaluations and assign preferred tasks to employees.