MGMA01H3 Chapter 12: Study Notes for Chapter 12

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14 Dec 2010

Document Summary

A product without physical characteristics -- a bundle of performance and symbolic attributes designed to produce consumer want satisfaction. Attributes that can be experienced y the physical senses, such as sight, touch, and smell. Attributes that cannot be experienced by the physical senses. Goods sell things and services sell performances. 3 types of product properties for goods/services: search. Physical qualities that enable products to be examined and compared, thus easing the task of choosing: experience. Characteristics of products that can be asssessed mainly through using them: credence. Qualities for which, even after purchasing, the buyer must simply trust tha tthe supplier has performed the correct service. Creates a number of marketing problems: cannot be stored (ie. revenue from empty seats, cannot be protected through patents, hard to display or communicate, prices difficult to set. Stress tangible cues in advertising and selling. Use personal resources rather than non-personal sources. Create a strong image of their organization.