MGMA01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 19: Public Knowledge, Advertising Mail, Order Processing
Document Summary
Introduction: the main marketing communications applications are advertising, publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling. Advertising: advertising expenditures as a proportion of sales vary among industries and companies, advertisers depend on research to understand the markets that they are attempting to reach, understanding consumer behaviour has become an important aspect of advertising strategy. Increased knowledge of such factors as lifestyle and personal attitudes has led to improved advertising decisions: advertising provides an efficient, inexpensive, and fast method of reaching consumers. The advertising campaign: integrated marketing communications: a company that develops a marketing communications strategy often does not restrict its plan to advertising alone, the elements of the communications mix are blended to provide maximum consumer impact. Categories of advertisements: product advertising is nonpersonal selling of a particular good or service. Institutional advertising is promoting a concept, idea, or philosophy, or the goodwill of an industry, company, or organization. retailer secures additional advertising that it would not otherwise have.