
1. CAN BE MORE THAN ONE The arthropods are the most successfulgroup of animals; several key features explain their success. Checkall of the features that one would use to classify members intothis phylum.

growth takes place throughecdysis
a rigid exoskeleton made ofchitin
closed circulatory systems
jointed appendages
a rigid exoskeleton made ofkeratin
segments specialized intofunctional tagmata
2. An entomologist observed a locust sitting on a branch pumpingits abdomen like an accordion. What is the insect doing?
Stretching out its pedipalps
Assisting gas exchange in thetracheal system
Speeding the flow of blood throughits veins and arteries

Clearing its spinnerets

3.Dibenzoylhydrazines are a category of molecules that have beenused as insecticides. They work by blocking ecdysteroid receptors.How does this kill an insect?

The chitinous exoskeleton isdissolved.
The insect can no longer excretenitrogenous wastes.
The insect can no longer coordinateits movements.

The insect cannot molt.

4. The grasshopper equivalent of an ear is found

on the side of its head.
on the abdomen.
Grasshoppers do not have afunctional equivalent to ears.

directly behind the antennae.

5. A snail in your garden and an oyster are quite different inappearance. What would be evidence to justify grouping themtogether?

Both have a mantle capable ofsecreting calcium carbonate.
Both use siphons to obtainoxygen.
Both have sensory antenna.

Both use a radula for feeding.

6.Barnacles are sessile filter feeders but unlike bivalves theyhave internal fertilization. How do they solve this problem?

They are only capable of asexualreproduction.
The filter sperm from the watercolumn.
They are hemaphrodites withespecially long penises.

They get fertilized during free living larval stages.

7. Bivalves lack a radula. How dothey eat?

The gills filter water and extractorganic matter.
The mantle traps and moves sedimentto the stomach for digestion.
Inhalent siphons suck water intothe mouth.

Most bivalves have photosynthetic endosymbionts in the visceralmass.

8.If a marine biology student discovered a dorsoventrallyflattened marine worm, what would be an effective way to determineif the specimen was a flatworm or a ribbon worm?

Examine the morphology of theexcretory system.
Look for a head at the anteriorend.
Determine the number of embryonicmembranes.

Look for an anus.

9.Inside its beak an octopus has a rasping tongue that is usedto tear apart food, which gastropod structure is this analogousto?



10.Pinworm is spread by contact, and the worms cause severeitching around the anus. Why is it so common?

Insect vectors spread thedisease.
The intense itch produces anintense desire to scratch.
The eggs end up in the soil.

Sometime people don't wash their hands after scratching theirperi-anal region.

11.Why would a leech have a hard time feeding if it did notproduce anticoagulants?

The blood would stop flowing aftera short time.
The leech would have a hard timeremaining attached to its host.
The leech would have a hard timelocating appropriate hosts.

The pain of the leech bite would cause the leech to bedetected.

12.The scolex of a tapeworm contains the mouth and the anteriorneural ganglia.



13.In what way are a human and a crab similar?

Both have a continuos growthpattern.
Both have closed circulatorysystems.
Vertebrates and arthropods aredeuterostomes.

Both have muscles that pull against rigid skeletons.

14.What is a simple way for determining if an annelids is apolychaete or a clitellate?

The amount of setae
Possession of a closed circulatorysystem
The layout of the digestivesystem

The number of segments

15.At a celebratory dinner for a recent publication, a marinebiologist ordered the lobster claw appetizer. What part did sheorder?



16.Humans have directdevelopment, a closed circulatory system, well-developed eyes, andlarge brains. Which mollusk also shares these features?


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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019
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