
5. Which of the following terms means the process of rehearsing information to allow it to

move from short-term memory to long-term, permanent memory.

A. Working memory

B. Rehearsal memory

C. Transient memory

D. Consolidating memory

E. Procedural memory

6. The Skinner box best represents which type of learning?

A. Hebbian synaptic plasticity

B. Relational

C. Motor

D. Stimulus-response

7. Addiction is a type of learned behavior that involves Hebbian synaptic plasticity between

which two regions of the brain?

A. nucleus raphe magnus and thalamus

B. locus coerulus and cerebral cortex

C. pons and cerebellum

D. substantia nigra and prefrontal cortex

E. ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens

8. Famous short-term memory loss patient H.M. had undergone surgery for intractable

epilepsy that removed the medial aspects of __________________ bilaterally.

A. hypothalamus

B. thalamus

C. globus pallidus (of basal ganglia)

D. hippocampus (in temporal lobe)

E. prefrontal cortex

9. Brenda Milner's research and observation of patient H.M. revealed that long-term

memories are most likely **NOT** stored in _______________.

A. amygdala

B. hippocampus

C. hypothalamus

D. posteriors aspects of temporal lobe

E. cerebral cortex

10. Which one of the following memories is *not* intact for patient H.M.?

A. Memories prior to surgery

B. Non-declarative memories that are rehearsed

C. Long-term declarative memories of new facts and events

D. Procedural memory

11. Implicit memories are thought to be stored in _____________ while explicit memories are

thought to be stored in ________.

A. cerebellum; hippocampus

B. basal ganglia; hippocampus

C. cerebellum; amygdala

D. cerebellum; prefrontal cortex

E. basal ganglia; prefrontal cortex

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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