13 Dec 2019

5. A patient with chronic-stable angina begins taking metoprolol, and once blood levels reach the therapeutic range the frequency and severity of angina attacks and the need for sublingual nitroglycerin were reduced. Which of the following states the direct pharmacologic action by which the beta-blocker produced the desired effects? A. Decreased myocardial oxygen demand

B. Dilated coronary vasculature

C. Directly inhibited angiotensin II synthesis

D. Reduced total peripheral resistance

6. A patient with newly diagnosed essential hypertension starts treatment with a commonly used antihypertensive drug at a dose that is considered to be therapeutic for the vast majority of patients. Soon after starting therapy the patient experiences crushing chest discomfort. ECG changes show myocardial ischemia. Studies in the cardiac catheterization lab show episodes of coronary vasospasm, and it is likely the antihypertensive drug provoke the vasospasm. Which antihypertensive drug most likely caused the ischemia and the angina?

A. Atenolol

B. Diltiazem

C. Hydrochlorothiazide

D. Lozartan

7. A 28-year-old woman is receiving drug therapy for essential hypertension. She subsequently becomes pregnant. You realize that the drug she's been taking for her blood pressure can have serious, if not fatal, effects on the fetus. As a result, you stop the current antihypertensive drug and substitute it with another drug that is deemed to be equally effective in terms of her blood pressure, and safer for the fetus. Which of the following drugs was she most likely taking before she became pregnant?

A. Alpha-Methyldopa

B. Captopril

C. Furosemide

D. Labetalol E. Verapamil

8. The use of propranolol as an antiarrhythmic agent is contraindicated in patients with:


B. Asthma

C. Severe heart failure

D. A and C

E. All of the above

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
17 Dec 2019
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