MGHB02H3 Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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13 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Communication: the process by which information is exchanged between a sender and receiver. (interpersonal communication the exchange of information between people) the sender must encode his or her thoughts into some form that can be transmitted to the receiver. the receiver must perceive the message and accurately decode it to achieve accurate understanding. feedback involves another communicate episode that tells the original sender that her assistant received and understood the message. ---sender: thinking, encoding and transmitting; receiver: perceiving, decoding and understanding. ---the simple communication model points out the complexity of the communication process and demonstrates points at which errors can occur. effective communication:the right people receive the right information in a timely manner: basics of organizational communication: Chain of command: lines of authority and formal reporting relationships. Under this system, three necessary forms of communication can be accomplished: downward communication: information that flows from the top of the organization toward the bottom.