Homework Help for Communications

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Essetial to all businesses, good communication is cruicial for selling products; building and maintaing relationships with consumers, clients and investors; and ensuring alignment within and outside of the organization

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briaskye93 asked for the first time
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furiousjake926 asked for the first time
in Communications·
13 Feb 2023

Help me ASAP please♥️

Answer the following questions for each summary


1.How do you see yourself incorporating the key ideas you identified in your summary; what might seem natural, what might seem challenging, and why

2.Why is this outcome essential for your project and what will accomplishing it mean for your stakeholders; what will not accomplishing it mean for your project

3.Provide a realistic plan for the three to five specific steps you'll take to accomplish your task; list the steps and describe how you would go about doing it

4.Narrate the story of how key stakeholder groups will react to your action; pay specific attention to stakeholders who will increase their support for your change, and to those who will maintain their resistance. Discuss what forms the support and resistance will take. Note the support and resistance and return to it in future chapter reflections


Summary 1:To be a credible leader, you first need to engage in two essentials. You first need to clarify your values by comprehending fully the values, beliefs, and assumptions that drive you, choose the principles you'll use to guide your actions, and be clear about the message you want to deliver. You then need to express your self by communicating your beliefs in ways that uniquely represent who you are.

Summary2: Constituents are more deeply moved by deeds than by words. Leading by example is how leaders make visions and values tangible--how they demonstrate that they are personally committed. To set the example, leaders build and affirm shared values and align actions with values.Build And Affirm Shared Values. Shared values are the foundation for productive and genuine relationships: people must have a common core of understanding.

Summary3: Vision comes from relationships with others. We are much more likely to step forward when we feel passionate about the legacy we want to leave and about the kind of world we want for others. "Forward-Looking," one of the three most admired leadership characteristics, is the one that is not directly related to credibility. But for people to willingly follow, they need to believe that a leader knows where she is heading. All enterprises or projects begin with the belief that what's merely an idea can one day be made real. Thus, to envision the future, leaders must master these essentials: Discover the theme and imagine the possibilities.

Summary4:The authors relate the story of a leader who discovered how essential it is to find out what motivates his team members. He says that the more you know about the people you work with, the more commited you become to each other's succees and the more you realize that you have similar hopes and aspirations for what you are working on. A company is like an engine: "We cannot move forward if any of the cogs are not working.Develop A Shared Sense Of Destiny:A leader's vision is not enough. Members of the organization must understand, accept, and commit to it. Leadership is a dialogue, not a monologue. Leaders must engage constituents in conversations about their lives, hopes, and dreams, to develop a shared sense of destiny, an ideal and unique image of the future for the common good.

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aa.obando1 asked for the first time
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pb27fftxw8 asked for the first time
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mlg17876 asked for the first time
in Communications·
11 Dec 2022

This is for the found of the oral communication class ( Speech) my topic is “American Space program”.

There is a link mentioned in the top image I’m gonna put a another image!! It’s supposed to be the second and the third image and the rest I’m just gonna copy it past here!

example. Sample Video #3 (found in the speech folder) demonstrates this option.

Option 2 – You can also record a video of a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation that is advanced on a computer screen or projection screen with vocals recorded over as you advance the slides. This option does not show your face or body as you speak. (See pages 208 - 212). Vocal variety becomes extremely important if you choose this option. Sample Video #4 (found in the speech folder) shows an example of this method. In this “Special Occasion Speech” folder, you will find technical guidance for ways to create this type of presentation. You can use whatever technology you would like for this. Some possibilities are: a screen capture software such as Adobe Spark, ScreenCastOMatic, SnagIt; Mac computers’ built-

in screen recorder and you can even use Zoom to record a screen capture (the quality is low). We also give you instructions for a really low-tech but effective recording method in this folder, if the other technologies are too much. Regardless of the method you choose, the end result needs to be a video that can be uploaded to GoReact.

Your audience for this speech is a virtual audience – your classmates and instructor, yes, but imagine a virtual audience as if you were posting this creative presentation to the web where a general audience can see it, like YouTube or TikTok. You will not be required to have an in-person audience or a synchronous audience for this speech. You are telling your story with impactful oral language and pictures/visuals. Make sure you are still in a formal location to present your speech so that you can be clearly heard and so there are no background noises or disturbances.

Outlines: Write out a complete, full sentence outline for this speech. You will need a preparation outline, a final outline, and a speaking outline, just as you did for previous speeches.

Use the speaking/delivery outline (remember, these are brief notes, not the full sentence outline) when you present, with larger type and larger margins than normal so you can easily keep your place.

Identification and Magnification: Utilize the ideas of identification and magnification within your speech by regularly connecting experiences you have in common with your audience and by emphasizing your chosen values/theme with fitting language, appropriate stylistic devices, analogies and stories/narrative.

Figurative Oral Language: You must make use of figurative oral language as highlighted in the exercises. (These assist in magnification). Use at least five total uses of figurative oral language. They must be highlighted in some way and labeled like a can of beans (simile) in order to receive credit.

Creativity and Originality: These elements are crucial to this assignment. Use your own ideas and your own wording. You may not count quotes from other individuals as your own stylistic devices. For example, if you quote one of Martin Luther King’s awesome metaphors, it doesn’t count as one of your figurative oral language efforts.

Personal Connection and Values: Your speech needs to show a personal connection to the story you tell and should highlight values represented by the person/event/idea that you are commemorating.

Practice: Remember to rehearse your speech – Use the Nifty Nine!

Sources: No sources needed – only use oral citations if they are needed because you researched something.

Special Occasion Speech Checklist

___Full-sentence outline ___ speaking notes that use key words and phrases

___ Amazing attention getter ___credibility ___ audience connection___ topic ___ preview

___ Values presented ____ entertaining or inspiring ___ Identification w/ audience

___ Personal stories that magnify theme

___ Conclusion w/ summary of main points ___ bookend ___ concluding device/take away

___ Five Figurative Oral Language examples _____ labeled in outline

___ Technology ready for recording



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