Homework Help for Geography

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Geography is the study of the earth and variations at different scales in the environment, in human activities, and hwo the two interact. Its key concepts are environment, place, and space and its goal is to locate and account for what is where.

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levimcj asked for the first time
in Geography·
25 Sep 2022

Can someone please help me finish these questions?

6. a. Other than being in the same region, MANY countries in the "very low human development" category share what GEOGRAPHIC similarity?
    b. EXPLAIN how this similarity might contribute to their "very low" development level?
7. Identify and research one other country that breaks the traditional pattern of Brandt's Line. EXPLAIN fully how their development is different than what it should be based on where it is located in relation to Brandt's Line.
For questions, # 8-10, you will be using Wallerstein's World Systems Theory article.
8. a. IDENTIFY what 2 regions (refer to our regionalization exercise) of the world have the lowest level of human development.
    b. According to Wallerstein's World Systems Theory, DESCRIBE what tier of the world economic system these countries most likely occupy.
    c. EXPLAIN their main role in the global economic system.
9. a. According to Wallerstein, DESCRIBE the role or processes in the world-systems theory that semi-periphery countries perform.
    b. Based on the map, IDENTIFY 5 countries that you would consider to be "semi-periphery" countries.
10. a. According to Wallerstein, DESCRIBE the role of processes in the world-systems theory that core countries perform.
      b. IDENTIFY the historical process that led to this country's position as leaders of the world economy.
      c. Based on the map, IDENTIFY 5 countries (including at least 2 outside of Europe and North America) that you would consider to be "core" countries.
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x4mm6jzvms asked for the first time
in Geography·
25 Sep 2022

Please can someone help me fill out this?

AP Human Geography                        HDI Mapping Analysis
Directions: Draw the Brandt Line on your copy of the shared HDI Map. Then, using the map, the HDI PDF, and the attached sources, answer the following questions in explicit detail.
  •  Your answers should be in the COMPLETE ANSWER form. Each written answer should: 1) incorporate the prompt into the answer, 2) use full sentences, 3) answer all parts of each question, 4) use APHG vocabulary and content within your answers. For this exercise, consider "Latin America" to be a single region and "Sub-Saharan Africa" to be a single region (in other words, it is not necessary to divide these areas into subregions for analysis purposes.)
Task Verb Definition Expectation
Identify To state a clear, concise, specific answer. Often, a single, well-written sentence is sufficient, but you can add clarifying details. However, do not contradict or add confusion to your original answer.
Describe To state a clear, concise, specific answer. Note the attributes or characteristics of a place, idea, or person. Include a concrete example in a description.
Explain To give an account or add details as to why or how processes or patterns occurred. Offer reasons, evidence, or examples to make an idea plainly understood, or state how a process occurs.
1. What is Brandt's Line? What does it represent?
2. DESCRIBE one conclusion that you can draw about the development of countries above and below Brandt's line.
3. a. Referring to your map, DESCRIBE the general level of development of Eastern Europe and note any exceptions.
    b. DESCRIBE happened in the 1990 s which may have led to a decline in the development level of Eastern European countries from what it was when Brandt's Line was conceptualized (see Rubenstein's description of Russian human development in Ch. 9 pages 283 and read Ch. 7 pages 231-232 on the destruction of Yugoslavia)?
For questions #4-5 refer to Ch. 9 pages in Rubenstein to help answer these questions
4. a. Referring to your map, IDENTIFY what countries located in East Asia and below the original Brandt's line have achieved a "very high human development" level?
    b. IDENTIFY what group of countries these countries are a part of (the other two listed are too small to color code on this map).
    c. EXPLAIN how this group of countries achieved this level of development.
5. a. Identity what countries in the Middle East enjoy a higher level of human development than others in this region.
    b. EXPLAIN this difference in development within that region. (see Rubenstein (286)?
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