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in Biology·
3 Feb 2019


4- You are a wild-life biologist assigned the task of protecting bats from this disease(WNS). What one question would you like answered before you take on this challenge and why? (1 point)

White-Nose Syndrome Threatens the Survival of Hibernating Bats in North America

Map illustrating the distribution of endangered species of hibernating bats in relation to the expanding distribution of White-Nose Syndrome.

History of White-Nose Syndrome and Diseases in Hibernating Bats

During the winter of 2006–2007, an affliction of unknown origin dubbed “white-nose syndrome” (WNS) began devastating colonies of hibernating bats in a small area around Albany, New York. Colonies of hibernating bats were reduced 80–97 percent at the affected caves and mines that were surveyed. Since then, white-nose syndrome or its causative agent have been detected more than 2,000 kilometers (1,200 mi) away from the original site, and have infected bats in at least 26 U.S. states and 4 Canadian provinces. Most species of bats that hibernate in the region are now known to be affected; little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), northern long-eared bats (M. septentrionalis), and federally listed (endangered) Indiana bats (M. sodalis) have been hit particularly hard. The sudden and widespread mortality associated with white-nose syndrome is unprecedented in hibernating bats, which differ from most other small mammals in that their survival strategy is to live life in the slow lane: their life history adaptations include high rates of survival and low fecundity, resulting in low potential for population growth. Most of the affected species are long lived (~5–15 years or more) and have only one offspring per year. Subsequently, bat numbers do not fluctuate widely over time, and populations of bats affected by white-nose syndrome will not recover quickly. Epizootic disease outbreaks have never been previously documented in hibernating bats.

An Emerging Disease of Hibernating Bats

White-nose syndrome was named for the white fungus (Pseudogynmnoascus destructans) around the muzzles, ears, and wing membranes of affected bats. Photo: Alan Hicks, New York Department of Environmental Conservation. Used with permission.

Hibernating species

Species Name

Common Name


Myotis auriculus

Mexican long-eared bat


Myotis austroriparius

Southeastern bat


Myotis californicus

California bat


Myotis ciliolabrum

Western small-footed myotis


Myotis evotis

Western long-eared bat


Myotis grisescens

Gray bat


Myotis keenii

Keen's bat


Myotis leibii

Eastern small-footed bat


Myotis lucifugus

Little brown bat


Myotis occultus

Occult bat


Myotis septentrionalis

Northern long-eared bat


Myotis sodalis

Indiana bat


Myotis thysanodes

Fringed bat


Myotis velifer

Cave bat


Myotis volans

Long-legged bat


Myotis yumanensis

Yuma bat


Nycticeius humeralis

Evening bat


Parastrellus hesperus

Canyon bat


Perimyotis subflavus

Tricolored bat


Corynorhinus townsendii

Townsend's big-eared bat


Corynorhinus rafinesquii

Rafinesque's big-eared bat


Eptesicus fuscus

Big brown bat


Antrozous pallidus

Pallid bat


Euderma maculatum

Spotted bat


Idionycteris phyllotis

Allen's big-eared bat

Long-distance Migrants/Non-hibernating species

Species Name

Common Name


Mormoops megalophylla

Ghost-faced bat


Choeronycteris mexicana

Mexican long-tongued bat


Leptonycteris nivalis

Greater long-nosed bat


Leptonycteris yerbabuenae

Lesser long-nosed bat


Macrotus californicus

California leaf-nosed bat


Lasionycteris noctivagans

Silver-haired bat


Lasiurus blossevillii

Western red bat


Lasiurus borealis

Eastern red bat


Lasiurus cinereus

Hoary bat


Lasiurus ega

Southern yellow bat


Lasiurus intermedius

Northern yellow bat


Lasiurus seminolus

Seminole bat


Lasiurus xanthinus

Western yellow bat


Eumops floridanus

Florida bonneted bat


Eumops perotis

Greater mastiff bat


Eumops underwoodi

Underwood's mastiff bat


Molossus molossus

Pallas' mastiff bat


Nyctinomops femorosaccus

Pocketed free-tailed bat


Nyctinomops macrotis

Big free-tailed bat


Tadarida brasiliensis

Brazilian free-tailed bat

White-nose syndrome (WNS) was named for the visible presence of a white fungus around the muzzles, ears, and wing membranes of affected bats. Based upon what is known about typical fungal pathogens of typical mammals, this fungal growth was initially thought to be a secondary infection of bats with compromised immune systems. However, bats are anything but “typical” mammals (see below). Since then, a previously unreported species of cold-loving fungus Pseudogynmnoascus [formerly Geomyces] destructans) has been identified as a consistent pathogen among affected animals and sites. This fungus, now proven to be the causal agent of WNS (Lorch et. al, 2011), thrives in the darkness, low temperatures (5–10ºC; 40–50ºF), and high levels of humidity (>90%) characteristic of bat hibernacula. Unlike typical fungi, Pseudogynmnoascus destructans cannot grow above 20°C (68ºF), and therefore appears to be exquisitely adapted to persist in caves and mines and to colonize the skin of hibernating bats. A consistent pattern of fungal skin penetration has been observed in more than 90 percent of bats from the WNS-affected region that were submitted for disease investigation.

White-nose syndrome was first documented in a cave that is visited by tens of thousands of tourists each year, and the disease has since spread outward from that site. The focal area of origin and subsequent distribution of affected sites, as well as experimental evidence (Werneke et. al, 2013), indicate that P. destructans could be an exotic species with the capacity to spread rapidly among populations of hibernating bats. Researchers in Europe have long noticed similar fungal growth on the faces, ears, and wings of hibernating bats in Europe, but observed no associated mortality. Work is currently underway to assess whether there is any connection between fungi seen on bats in North America and Europe. Recent efforts by researchers in Europe have revealed that P. destructans occurs on hibernating bats in several countries of that continent. An alternative hypothesis for the origin of white-nose syndrome is that this fungus was already present in North America, yet recently mutated to become an emerging disease.

What Makes Bats Susceptible to White-Nose Syndrome?

Pathologic findings thus far indicate that bats affected by white-nose syndrome are infected by P. destructans, and many appear to prematurely run out of the stored body fat that they rely on for winter survival. Species of bats occurring at the higher latitudes of the world rely on insects for food, which disappear from those temperate zones during winter. Most species of temperate zone bats survive the winter by building up fat reserves during autumn and then going to cold places to hibernate and wait out the winter insect shortage. During hibernation, a bat slows down its metabolism so that its body temperature remains just a few degrees above air temperature. This strategy allows a bat to consume very little fat over winter. Bats could easily last several months in this deep state of torpor, but they need to warm their bodies up a few times each winter and arouse from hibernation so that they can drink, urinate, mate, relocate, and probably induce their immune systems to catch up. These natural arousals from hibernation consume a lot of energy, and about 90 percent of a hibernating bat’s winter fat is burned to fuel natural arousals. If anything increases the frequency or duration of such arousals during winter, the energy balance of a hibernating bat can quickly tip toward starvation. Chronic disturbance of hibernating bats is known to cause abnormal arousal patterns, and can result in high rates of winter mortality. For example, certain inappropriate research methods (e.g., poorly applied wing bands and frequent winter visitations) directed toward hibernating bats in the 1950s and 1960s caused chronic disturbance that led to high mortality and population declines in several U.S. bat species (Ellison 2008). Unlike typical microbial pathogens that cause collapse of internal organ systems, the skin infection caused by P. destructans may act as a chronic disturbance during hibernation, and fungal-associated aberrant behaviors likely cause bats to consume critical body reserves too quickly during winter. In addition to disrupting hibernation cycles and prematurely expending energy reserves, it is likely that affected bats suffer other serious physiological problems (e.g., dehydration) associated with the fungus infecting the proportionally huge skin surfaces of their wings during hibernation.

The newly identified cold-loving fungus is now known to be the primary causative agent of white-nose syndrome. Available evidence suggests the fungus establishes itself in the skin tissues of bats when their body temperatures are lowered during torpor (2–10ºC; 35–50ºF). Although life-threatening cutaneous fungal infections of this sort are rare in warm-blooded birds and mammals, they occur more frequently in “cold-blooded” animals (e.g., chytridiomycosis in amphibians, and crayfish plague). The cold-loving fungus seems to be infecting bats when they reduce their body temperatures during hibernation to levels characteristic of “cold-blooded” animals. Fungal infiltration of the wing membranes of bats may be particularly problematic. Wing membranes represent about 85 percent of a bat’s total surface area and play a critical role in balancing complex physiological processes. Healthy wing membranes are vital to bats, as they help regulate body temperature, blood pressure, water balance, and gas exchange—not to mention the ability to fly and to feed. Although white-nose syndrome was named after the obvious sign of white noses on affected bats, bat wings may indeed be the most vulnerable point of infection.

Because the newly identified fungus represents a potential biological invasion or emerging disease, with severe implications for hibernating bats in North America, it is important to focus on the history of its geographic distribution in the context of the distributions of affected species and those of federal concern that are potentially in harm’s way.

Threat Posed by White-Nose Syndrome to Bat Diversity and Abundance in North America

Forty-five species of bats occur in the United States and Canada, and bats represent more than 10 percent of mammalian species diversity in the region. The map at right shows bat species richness in the continental United States and Canada. Warmer colors represent higher species richness, cooler colors represent fewer species.

More than half of the species of insectivorous bats that occur in the U.S. rely on hibernation as a primary strategy for surviving the winter when insect prey is not available. The table at right lists all 45 species of bats known to occur in the continental United States and Canada. Species in the upper list are those that in most areas rely on hibernation to survive the winter. Species in the lower list are those that generally do not rely on hibernation as a winter survival strategy. Those highlighted in bold text are species currently known to be affected by white-nose syndrome.

The emergence and spread of a pathogenic fungus that infects hibernating bats has the potential to undermine the basic survival strategy of more than half the bat species in the U.S. and all species of bats that occur in the higher latitudes of North America. With the exception of 4 species of migratory tree bats, the other 18 bat species that occur above 40ºN in North America (roughly a line running from the top of California across Nebraska to Virginia) hibernate to survive the winter.

The shaded red areas on the map below represent the overlapping distributions of 19 species of bats occurring in the U.S. that do not rely on hibernation as a strategy for surviving the winter. The blue shaded areas of the map below represent the overlapping distributions of 25 species of bats occurring in the U.S. that rely on hibernation to survive the winter. The distributions of four species of migratory tree bats are not shown.

Overlapping Species of Bats

Figure 1. Maps illustrating the overlapping ranges of non-hibernating (left) and hibernating (right) species of U.S. bats.

Among the 25 species of bats that hibernate across North America, 4 species and subspecies are federally listed as endangered and an additional 13 are federal species of concern (former Category 2 candidates for listing under the U.S. Endangered Species Act). All four endangered species and subspecies of hibernating bats in the U.S., which rely on undisturbed caves or mines for successful hibernation, are at risk from white-nose syndrome. Three of these species are currently within the affected area, and the remaining subspecies may be affected in the next few years, if not sooner.

The maps included in the slideshow above show the distribution of endangered species of hibernating bats (shaded areas) in relation to the expanding distribution of the fungus (Pseudogynmnoascus destructans) and the disease white-nose syndrome (yellow counties). Endangered species include Ozark big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens), Virginia big-eared bats (C. t. virginianus), Indiana bats (M. sodalis), and gray bats (M. grisescens). For an updated map of sites affected by WNS see

Although the true potential for this fungus to spread is unknown, the possibility of it undermining the ubiquitous survival strategy of bats at higher latitudes has enormous implications. We are just beginning to appreciate the roles that bats play in North American ecosystems, and it is clear that threats like white-nose syndrome have the potential to influence ecosystem function in ways that we currently do not understand.

Since white-nose syndrome emerged during the winter of 2006–2007, a diverse group of scientists, resource managers, and conservation groups have worked diligently to establish its cause. Efforts are now being directed toward developing solutions to the WNS crisis and minimizing its impact on populations of hibernating bats in North America.

Video Clip of Hibernating Bats and Small Tussle

A winter scene from a Virginia cave showing an interaction between two little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) that have aroused from hibernation. This video was recorded in darkness by FORT scientists and their research partners using a custom-built surveillance system that is the first of its kind. These new observations are shedding new light on bat hibernation behaviors and how white-nose syndrome affects wintering bats.

USGS scientists at the National Wildlife Health Center and Fort Collins Science Center are supporting the research needs of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other federal and state agencies as they respond to the developing situation.

Map data compiled by Cal Butchkoski, Pennsylvania Game Commission.

© Photos by Alan Hicks, New York Department of Environmental Conservation


It was the winter of 2006-2007. In what may be the worst calamity to hit bat populations in the United States, a mysterious affliction began to decimate bat colonies in upper New York State. On average, 90 percent of the hibernating bats in four caves and mines in New York succumbed that winter. The affliction, now known as White-Nose Syndrome (WNS), is estimated to have killed over six million bats in the eastern United States and has spread as far west as Missouri since that time. Read the following article about WNS White-Nose Syndrome Threatens the Survival of Hibernating Bats in North America and answer the questions that follow.

1- What is the causative agent of WNS and to what phylum does it belong? (1 point)

Pseudogymnoascus destructans, which is formerly known as Geomyces destructans, is the causative agent of WNS. P destructans belong to Ascomycota phylum from the Fungi kingdom.

2- What is unique about this causative agent that makes it particularly well adapted to its lifestyle (adapted to persist in caves and mines and to colonize the skin of hibernating bats)? (1 point)

Thrives in the darkness, low temperatures (5–10ºC; 40–50ºF), and high levels of humidity (>90%) characteristic of bat hibernacula. Unlike typical fungi, Pseudogynmnoascus destructans cannot grow above 20°C (68ºF)(cold living fungus).

3- What makes a hibernating bat a particularly easy target for the pathogen? (1 point)

Available evidence suggests the fungus establishes itself in the skin tissues of bats when their body temperatures are lowered during torpor (2–10ºC; 35–50ºF). Although life-threatening cutaneous fungal infections of this sort are rare in warm-blooded birds and mammals, they occur more frequently in “cold-blooded” animals (e.g., chytridiomycosis in amphibians, and crayfish plague). The cold-loving fungus seems to be infecting bats when they reduce their body temperatures during hibernation to levels characteristic of “cold-blooded” animals. Fungal infiltration of the wing membranes of bats may be particularly problematic.

4- You are a wild-life biologist assigned the task of protecting bats from this disease. What one question would you like answered before you take on this challenge and why? (1 point)


OC user
OC user
in Economics·
3 Feb 2019

1. Understanding the Nature of Communication

The same process that applies to everyday communication applies to communication in the workplace. Understanding the steps in this process can help you craft more meaningful and effective messages.

Which parts of the communication process are described in the following scenario?

Helene types a brief informational update for the members of the budget committee into an e-mail message and hits “send.”

While typing the e-mail message, Helene is engaged in .

A. idea information

B. message encoding

C. message transmission

By hitting the send icon, Helene is engaged in .

A. message transmission

B. message decoding

C. message encoding

For the communication process to be successful, the receiver must understand the information sent by the sender. Communication barriers, however, can complicate the process. Familiarizing yourself with common obstacles will make you better equipped to avoid them.

Consider this situation, and answer the questions that follow.

One of your engine lathes has broken down, and you’ve contacted a local repair shop. When you go to the shop, the repairman doesn’t speak English, and one of the front office employees is trying to translate. “He says he can’t fix it,” the translator says to you.

“What seems to be wrong with it?” you ask, and the office employee translates this question to the repairman. The repairman points at several mechanisms on the lathe and gives what appears to be a lengthy explanation of the problem. You turn to the office employee, who shrugs. “He says it’s broken,” she says.

What communication barrier is described in this situation?

A. Differing frames of reference

B. Bypassing

C. Lack of language skills

How might you overcome this communication barrier in the future?

A. Ask simple, specific questions.

B. Speak loudly.

C. Ask for an explanatory slide presentation.

OC user
OC user
in Economics·
2 Feb 2019

The Gibson Company is a United States (US) firm that is considering a joint venture with Brasilia, DF, a Brazilian firm that grows and processes coffee beans. Gibson has a patent for a new coffee processing method. This intellectual property is motivating Gibson to expand beyond importing coffee to engaging in a joint venture to process the coffee. Gibson will invest $8 million in the proposed joint venture project, which will help to finance Brasilia 's production using the newly patented process.
The Brazilian government has guaranteed that the after-tax profits (denominated in Reals, the Brazilian currency) can be converted to US dollars at the current exchange rate and sent to the Gibson Company each year. Current exchange rates can be found at

For each of the first five years, 60 percent of the total profits will be distributed to Brasilia, while the remaining 40 percent will be converted to dollars to be sent to Gibson. The income tax rate for the joint venture will be 10%. However, the Brazilian government is considering raising the income tax rate to 30%. At the present time, the Brazilian government doe not impose a separate income tax on profits sent out of the country. However, the Brazilian government is considering imposing an additional 10 percent income tax on profits distributed to a foreign company. Assume that there are no other forms of tax. After considering the taxes paid in Brazil, assume an additional seven percent tax imposed by the US government on profits received by Gibson Company.

The expected total profits resulting from the joint venture per year are as follows:

Total Profits from Joint Venture (in BRL)
40 million
60 million
70 million
90 million
120 million

Gibson's average cost of debt is 6 percent before taxes. Its average cost of equity is 9 percent. Assume that Gibson�s US income tax rate is 10 percent. Gibson�s capital structure is 70 percent debt and 30 percent equity. Gibson adds between 2 and 5 percentage points to its cost of capital when deriving its required rate of return on international joint ventures. Gibson plans to account for country and other risks within its cash flow estimates.

Gibson is concerned about country risk in the following two forms:

(1) Will the Brazilian government increase the corporate income tax rate from 10 percent to 30 percent (20 percent probability)? If this occurs, Gibson will receive additional tax credits on its US taxes, resulting in no US taxes on the profits from this joint venture.

(2) Will the Brazilian government impose a separate income tax of 10 percent on the profits distributed to foreign companies such as Gibson (20 percent probability)? If this occurs, Gibson will not receive additional tax credits, and the company will still be subject to US tax on the profits from this joint venture.

Assume that the two types of country risk are mutually exclusive. If it does anything, the Brazilian government will only implement one of these changes in its tax policies (i.e., the increase in the basic income tax on the profits of the joint venture or the additional income tax on profits distributed to foreign companies). The Brazilian government may also choose to leave things as they are.


7. Discuss the benefits of the joint venture from the perspective of Brasilia. What is the maximum amount of money Brasilia should invest?

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