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in EnglishĀ·
17 Sep 2021
17. The verb are succeeding is
a. in the indicative mood
b. in the third person, singular number
c. a compound verb
d. in the emphatic form
PART V. Select the correct answer for each sentence.
18. Martin and Sabrina both read this book, but neither
a. has written his
b. have written their
c. write their
d. have been writing a
19. Samantha, along with her parents, ________ Rome 
a. have visited
b. will be visiting
c. do visit
d. has visited
20. A pack of wolves ________ at a distance.
a. were seen
b. was seen
c. is seeing
d. have been seen
21. Neither he nor his brothers ________ the keys.
a. has found
b. have found
c. finds
d. founded
22. Many people are guessing what happened, but ________ 
a. have
b. has
c. would have been
d. will
23. Many a homeschooling mother and teacher ________ 
a. will rejoicing
b. was rejoiced
c. has rejoiced
d. rejoice
24. As Catholics and former homeschooling moms, each challenges parents face.
a. are understanding
b. does understand
c. do understand
d. have understood
25. Something in his tone of voice and in his smile
a. rises
b. has risen
c. has raised
d. will have risen
9. After the storm, we cleared the road of trees that ________ 
a. have fell
b. fall
c. had fallen
d. had fell
10. Our dog ________ in front of the fireplace all mornin
a. has lain
b. has laid
c. laid
PART IV. Select the correct answer for the questions
A spiritual bouquet had been prepared by the childr
11. The predicate in this sentence is
a. in the passive voice
b. an intransitive verb
c. had been
d. in the active voice
12. The receiver of had been prepared is
a. pastor
b. children
c. bouquet
d. children and pastor
The children offered the pastor their gift on his birth
13. The receiver of the action offered is
a. the subject
b. the direct object
c. children
d. pastor
14. The predicate is
a. in the passive voice
b. a past participle
c. in the progressive form
d. a transitive verb
If they are to do well on their tests, the students must and they are succeeding.
15. The verb must study is in
a. the imperative mood
b. the progressive form of the present tense
c. the potential form
d. the emphatic form
16. The verb do study is in
a. the imperative mood
b. the progressive form of the present tense
c. the potential form
d. the emphatic form
1. In a complete sentence, a predicate
a. cannot be a verb phrase
b. always has a subject
c. is never a linking verb
d. cannot have a subjective complement
2. A subjective complement
a. may follow an action verb
b. is always a noun
c. follows a linking verb and refers to the subject
d. is a direct object
3. A linking (being) verb
a. never has a subject
b. cannot be expressed as a verb phrase
c. expresses action, being, or state of being
d. never has a direct object
PART II. Select the correct answer for the question
Earnest certainly has been a willing participant i
4. The verb phrase in this sentence is
a. has been
b. certainly has been
c. has been willing
d. certainly has been willing
5. The predicate in this sentence is
a. a transitive verb
b. in the present tense
c. in the past tense
d. in the present perfect tense
6. The word participant is
a. a direct object
b. an indirect object
c. the receiver of the action
d. a subjective complement
PART III. Select the correct answer for each sentı
7. That herd of deer ________ to this meadow every 
a. has came
b. has come
c. would have came
d. was come
8. The new director ________ the choir at last Sunday
a. had lead
b. led
c. would have lead
d. will lead
in EnglishĀ·
17 Sep 2021
1. Was it _________ who met you at the station?
a. her
b. him
c. that
d. he
2. Please go to the novena with Martha and _________ 
a. I
b. me
c. they
d. we
3. She works faster than _________ 
a. I
b. me
c. us
d. them
4. Do you know _________ location?
a. it's
b. theirs
c. ours
d. its
5. Our team can play as well as _________ 
a. they're
b. their
c. theirs
d. there's
PART II. Select the correct interrogative pronoun for each sentence
6. Celeste gave _________ the missal?
a. whom
b. who
c. which
d. what
7. _________ did Father ask to be the lector at the 11:00 Mass?
a. Whom
b. Who
c. Which
d. What
8. This is my rosary and that one is yours. _________ is this one?
        a. Who
        b. Who's
        c. Whose
        d. Of Which
9. What are the pronouns in this sentence?
a. we, this, you, mine
b. we, that, you, mine
c. we, this, you
d. we, this, that, you
     We will not use this one because we do not have enough apples or some of the other
10. What are the pronouns in this sentence?
a. We, this, enough, other
b. We, this, one, enough, other
c. We, one, some, other
d. We, one, we, some
     Whose will we select between these, her composition or his?
11. What are the pronouns in this sentence?
a. Whose, we, these, his
b. Whose, we, her, his
c. we, these, her, his
d. we, her, his
     Do we have anything with which we can make a salad?
12. What is the function of the pronoun we?
a. direct object
b. indirect object
c. subject
d. appositive
13. What is the function of the pronoun which?
a. direct object
b. subject
c. subjective complement
d. object of a preposition
     Martha has a few books, but did she leave some of hers at your house?
14. What is the person, number, gender, and case of the pronoun she?
a. second, singular, feminine, objective
b. first, plural, feminine, possessive
c. third, singular, feminine, nominative
d. third, singular, feminine, objective
15. What is the person, number, gender, and case of the pronoun some?
a. second, singular, masculine, nominative
b. third, singular, neuter, objective
c. third, plural, neuter, objective
d. first, singular, masculine, objective
16. What is the person, number, gender, and case of the pronoun hers?
a. second, singular, neuter, nominative
b. third, singular, neuter, objective
c. second, plural, feminine, possessive
d. third, singular, feminine, objective
in EnglishĀ·
17 Sep 2021

English Majors Help please

As the missionary priest read the Scripture over the silent faithful who were praying.
1. The descriptive adjectives in this sentence at
a. Scripture, reverent, silent, faithful
b. Scripture, Passion, the, hush
c. As, hush, silent, bowed
d. missionary, Scripture, reverent, silent
2. The proper attributive descriptive adjective
a. As
b. Scripture
c. Passion
d. Passion of the Lord
3. The word faithful
a. is a limiting adjective
b. is a descriptive adjective
c. is a noun
d. is an objective complement
    Diligent study will be necessary to complete challenging.
4. The word necessary is
a. a subjective complement
b. an objective complement
c. a common limiting adjective
d. not an adjective
5. The word recent is
a. a predicate adjective
b. an adjective that modifies the word study
c. an adjective that modifies the word assignment
d. not an adjective
6. The word most
a. is a pronominal adjective
b. modifies the word assignment
c. is a demonstrative adjective
d. is not an adjective
7. The word challenging
a. is an objective complement
b. is a predicate adjective
c. modifies the word study
d. modifies the word most
    Since I have two small apples and you have those three
8. What is the demonstrative adjective in this sentence?
a. two
b. small
c. those
d. enough
9. Which words do the numeral adjectives modify?
a. small, large
b. small, apples
c. apples, ones
d. ones, enough
10. The word enough
a. is not an adjective
b. is a predicate adjective
c. modifies the noun apples
d. modifies the noun pie
    I have my rosary and you have yours in your pocket, theirs.
11. Which words are possessive adjectives?
a. my, your
b. my, your, yours
c. yours, theirs
d. my, yours, your, theirs
    Two German battalions steadily advanced against the
12. What are the adjectives in this sentence?
a. German, steadily, stubborn, English
b. Two, German, the, stubborn, the
c. Two, German, the, stubborn, English
d. German, steadily, English
    Of the five names they had selected for their baby, wh
13. What are the adjectives in this sentence?
a. five, their
b. five, their, one
c. the, five, their, finally
d. the, five, their, which
14. The word one
a. is a numeral adjective
b. is a pronominal adjective
c. modifies the word which
d. is not an adjective
PART III. Select the correct answer for each sentence
15. At the sight of the bride walking down the aisle, her
a. more happier
b. happiest
c. happier
16. None could have been _______ to the platoon 
a. more loyal
b. most loyal
c. loyaler
d. loyal
17. We do not have many chickens this year, so the
a. less
b. fewer
c. lesser
d. least
18. We have only three cows now, so we will need
a. less
b. fewer
c. lesser
d. least
19. Each will have to carry _______own suitcases
a. their
b. your
c. our
d. his
20. Will someone be willing to give up some of _______
a. their
b. your
c. his
d. our
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